King’s Harvest Centre (KHC) is a Non-for-Profit Organisation founded by Evangelist A. H. Albert to fulfill the vision for the great Harvest of souls, by taking the message of salvation, healing and deliverance through Jesus our Lord and Saviour to all the people in the world.
King’s Harvest Centre was primarily started as sowing Missionaries and has recently moved to reaping the Harvest of souls by networking with Churches and equipping the Saints to fulfil the great commission through Christian conferences, crusades and also continuing the Charitable deeds to the poor and needy.
The essence of KHC is Preaching the Gospel in Love and compassion both by Words and Deeds. The key scripture of our vision is Mathew 25: 35-36 and Mathew 9:37-38.
Evangelist Anthony Albert and family are from Sydney, Australia. God had called them to Ministry in 2009, since then they have worked with the Australian Indigenous Ministry as Missionaries and in Sydney with the Homeless & Detention Centre. He had also moved to India with his wife and 3 children for nearly 3 years as per God’s directions.
God had a purpose for them to return to Australia in His timing. Now Evangelist Anthony is embarking into a new Journey which he sees as the Launchpad to their Global Ministry which God had promised in 2010.
They will be closely working with Harvesters in India, America, Australia and in Southeast Asian Countries.
If you’re an Individual or a Prayer/Church Group, and would like to partner with us in Prayer first and then if led by the Holy Spirit to partner with us in giving to reach the lost and harvest the Souls in the End times, please contact us.